LCA 2023 Annual Conference "Help, Heal, Honor"
10/8/2023 - 10/10/2023


Register by selecting your membership type (Professional Member; Student, PLPC, or Retired Member; Non-Member) and the number of days you plan to attend (Full Conference -3 days; 1-day, or 2-days)

If the site does not allow your registration to go through as selected; it means your membership is not the type you have chosen.  For example: if you have chosen Professional-3 days and the site has given you professional-one day, it may mean your current membership is not professional.  Please contact the LCA office before continuing.

If you have just joined LCA or just renewed your membership, your membership may not have been completely processed and the site may not recognize your new membership status. You should receive two emails from the site.  The second one  will indicate that your membership has been processed.

We are offering the following Pre-Conference Workshops. The registration for these sessions are separate from the 2023 conference registration.


Thank you to our sponsors


Call for Programs

The 2021 LCA Conference will offer an opportunity for content sessions, poster sessions and roundtable sessions. Members of LCA are encouraged to share their expertise with their peers by presenting at the LCA conference.


Conference Program

The 2021 Conference Program will be available upon completion. This program will allow you to plan your conference experience before the conference begins.


Conference Scholarships

LCA will offer approximately 20 conference volunteer scholarships to graduate student or PLPC members of LCA. The purpose of awarding scholarships is not only to encourage membership and participation in the association and attendance and participation at the annual conference, but also for the Association to gain needed assistance in conducting and facilitating the conference.


Hotel Information

The 2021 Conference will be Virtual.


Keynote Speakers

LCA will announce the national speakers for the LCA conference soon.


Pre-conference Workshops

The Pre-conference learning institutes will be offered on September 26, 2021.


For more information concerning exhibiting, sponsoring, advertising at conference, please use the navigation bar to find the corresponding page.

2022 LCA Annual Conference
September 24-27, 2022


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