Disconnecting to Reconnect: Stop Allowing History to Hold You Hostage Session

Event Overview

Teneka Gash, Ph.D., PLPC, RPT
Colleen Thomas, M.A., LPC-S, NCC
Maisha Davis, Ph.D., LPC-S, NCC
Leshecca Norman, M.A., LPC, NCC

Small unconscious micro expressions or non-verbal signs, communicate to others if there is a place for new members in a group or organization. This presentation aims to explore how biases affect how relucent or willing counselors are to take on leadership roles in professional counseling organizations. This presentation will provide information on ways groups and organizations may be perceived as welcoming or unwelcoming and how individual biases can influence internal perceptions. Possible solutions and answers will be explored.

Approved for LPC, NBCC Credits
Ethics Track

On-Line Registration

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$50.00 NOn-Member Fee
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