Addressing Issues Facing our Children and Community

4/4/2019 - 4/4/2019
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 1900 Gravier, Lecture HAll C (238), New Orleans

Dr. Jones is a Professor of Psychology at Virginia Tech University, and a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in trauma psychology in the areas of natural and technological disasters as well as interpersonal violence. He is an expert in the behavioral sciences. A related area of study is Disaster Preparedness, including posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and posttraumatic growth. Assessment, conceptualization, and treatment of consequent psychiatric and psychosocial disorders also serve as a major topic of interest. As an experienced clinician and researcher with traumatized children, he has published extensively and spoken to both national and international audiences. He is the founder and director of REAACT (Recovery Effort After Adult and Child Trauma), a program in conjunction with the Yale Child Study Center at Yale University designed to assist children and their families following fire trauma. Dr. Jones is a past member of the Board of Director of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS), The Center for Disease Control (CDC)?s Advisory Committee for Injury Prevention and Control (ACIPC), and ACIPC?s Scientific and Program Review Subcommittee. He is also the former Chair of the Scientific Program Review Subcommittee at the Injury Center at the CDC.

Presenters include:  Dr. Joy Osofsky, Dr. Ricky Jones and Lakisha Mamon, MD

This workshop has been approved for 3.0 CE clock hours for counselors.  Even though LCA is an NBCC ACEP, this workshop was not reveiwed for NBCC credits through LCA.

For more information or to register:  www.  

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