Human Trafficking: The Who, What, When, Where

5/28/2021 - 5/28/2021
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Face-to-Face; St. Michael Church , 211 W. Hutchinson, Sponsored by the Center for Children and Families; approved for 3.0 Cost: free; Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours., Crowley

In this workshop attendees will learn what human trafficking is, who does it affect, and how can we fight it. Participants will learn why trafficking is the fastest underground industry and what it looks like in your community.

Participants will learn how to identify human trafficking, how to navigate within the therapeutic setting with a victim , and what it looks like within their community.

For more information or to reserve a spot:  Please contact Katie Guinn to reserve spot 337-514-5181

This workshop is approved for 3.0 CE clock hours; NBCC credit  is not available for this program.

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