Putting Polyvagal Theory into Practice: Nervous-system based Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma and more

7/23/2021 - 7/23/2021
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; cost $219.99; 6.25 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Webinar

At the heart of our client’s symptoms – from anxiety and depression to traumatic stress and more – is a dysregulated nervous system.

Polyvagal theory finally presents a clear roadmap of our nervous system that can guide both therapists and clients to the source of their most troubling symptoms.

And Polyvagal-informed treatments provide interventions that not only empower clients to understand how their nervous system shapes their experiences, but also gives them powerful methods to re-shape those experiences in therapy.

Join Deb Dana, the world’s foremost translator of Polyvagal theory into clinical practice, in this all-new training based on her best-selling book Polyvagal Exercises for Safety & Connection as she shows you, step-by-step to:

  • Track a client’s experience through their autonomic nervous system and uncover the specific places that keep them stuck
  • Interrupt and re-shape habitual autonomic patterns that cause their emotional suffering, maladaptive thoughts, and un-helpful or impulsive behaviors
  • Learn how to introduce Polyvagal practices in session
  • See and experience real demonstrations
  • BONUS: 90 days of unlimited on-demand replays of your training

With Deb Dana’s practical guidance, it’s now possible to get beneath symptoms and show clients how to safely listen to the “story” of their autonomic nervous system and to re-shape their experience toward safety and connection.

Understanding the human nervous system through a Polyvagal lens has been a game-changer for therapists across modalities. There is no better way to learn it than through experiencing it yourself in this highly practical, intervention-rich training.

For more information and to register:  https://catalog.pesi.com/item/82721?_gl=1*1gc91ea*_ga*MjczODU3ODI0LjE0NzIzNDAxMDY.*_ga_JGEX25L44L*MTYyMTI2Mjk5Ni42LjEuMTYyMTI2MzExMy4xNw..&_ga=2.150500022.1671569566.1621262997-273857824.1472340106

This workshop is approved for 6.25 CE clock hours in Diagnosis;  NBCC credit is not available for this program.


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