Postpartum Anxiety, Rage, and Burnout: Compassionate Clinical Strategies to Keep Mom and Baby Safe and Thriving

6/23/2023 - 6/23/2023
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; Cost: free; Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours, Webinar

Do you work with clients who are struggling with the transition to motherhood? Unsure how to effectively address common, yet historically taboo, postpartum issues such as intrusive thoughts, mom guilt, anxiety, rage, and burnout? Join Caitlin Slavens and Chelsea Bodie, Registered Psychologists, authors, moms, and co-founders of the widely popular @MamaPsychologists Instagram page for this 3-hour training!

You will learn how to:
Recognize the warning signs of PPD and other key indicators that a mother needs support.
Utilize CBT, somatic, and emotion-focused interventions to help clients explore and navigate intrusive thoughts, anxiety, burnout, and rage in a shame-free way.
Evaluate whether a postpartum clientsymptoms require a referral to a higher level of care.
Explore tools that you can add to your therapeutic toolbox when working with moms
And so much more!

For more information:  Customer Service          800-844-8260

To register:

Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credits available for this program.

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