Neurobiology and Somatic Symptoms

4/29/2023 - 4/29/2023
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: Shreveport Counseling and Restoration Center, 7330 Fern Ave., Cost: $80.00; Approved for 4.0 CE Clock hours in Diagnosis, Shreveport
4 hours @ $80.00
Everyone experiences mind-body link to some degree. The mind-body connection is the two-way communication between the brain and the body through the spinal cord and chemical and electrical mediators like neurotransmitters and hormones. This course will help clinicians further understand this connection as well as how to explain the connection to clients. Furthermore, clinicians will be able to work with clients on identifying the components, symptoms, and offer appropriate calming techniques to clients.

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To register:

Approved for 4.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credits are available for this workshop

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