Diagnostic Pathways: Guidelines for Accurate Diagnosis

5/20/2023 - 5/20/2023
9:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Location: Webinar, Sponsored by the LPC PAC; Cost: $65.00; Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Webinar
Diagnostic Pathways: Guidelines for Accurate Diagnosis
Presented by Gary Gintner, PhD

Saturday, May 20th, 2023



Cost: $65

3 CEUs in Diagnosis

This will be a synchronous video workshop, via ZOOM.  ZOOM links will be emailed to registrants the week of the workshop.


This program reviews evidence-based diagnostic habits that have been shown to improve diagnostic accuracy. Applications to DSM-5-TR diagnostic issues are discussed including differential diagnosis, ruling out medical and substance-related problems, complex comorbidity and use of DSM-5-TR assessment measures.


For additional information:  Amy Dufrene


To register:  https://www.lpcpac.org/news


Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credits available for this program

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