2-Day Anxiety Certification Course: Integrate CBT and Exposure & Response Prevention for Treatment of GAD, Panic Disorder, OCD, Social Anxiety, & Phobias

8/31/2023 - 9/1/2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI, Cost: free; approved for12.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Webinar

Do you feel overwhelmed by the severity of your client's anxiety symptoms?
Does their need to seek reassurance and perform compulsions prevent them from moving forward in therapy? You are not alone if you find your clients experiencing the same symptoms after several therapy sessions, if they get stuck on the why of anxiety, or if they are unable to take meaningful action against their anxiety.
Join award winning experts in anxiety and OCD Kimberly Morrow, LSCW & Elizabeth DuPont Spencer, LCSW for this intensive 2-Day Anxiety Certification Course to learn the gold standard of care for treating GAD, Panic Disorder, OCD, Social Anxiety, and Phobias. You'll learn to skillfully integrate CBT and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) to climb over obstacles in therapy and gain confidence in your ability to treat the most symptomatic, anxious clients on your caseload.
In this intensive 2-Day Anxiety Certification Course, experts Morrow and DuPont Spencer make CBT and ERP intervention accessible and within your reach as a clinician.
You'll start seeing real results with these cutting-edge CBT and ERP interventions, that give you:
Ways to help clients face their triggers and change their relationship with fear
Strategies to manage your own anxiety about treating your anxious clients
Methods to use exposure therapy in meaningful, successful ways
Specific strategies for panic disorder, phobias, OCD and social anxiety
Packed with videos, case examples, and opportunities to practice and build skills confidently, you'll walk away with strategies you can use the very next day!

For additional information:  Customer Service

To register:  www.pesi.com

Approved for 12.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credit available for this program.

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