Uprooting Addiction: Exploring the factors that hold Substance and Behavioral Addictions in Place

5/13/2023 - 5/13/2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: webinar; Sponsored by S. LA EMDR Regional Network; Cost: : $0 CEU Fees: Professional $15; EMDRIA: $15; Professional & EMDRIA: $25 ; Approved for 1.0 CE hours, Webinar

To fully understand a complex issue, it's helpful to study its roots.   What can the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and the Philadelphia ACE studies teach us about the connection between childhood trauma, community adversity, and addiction? How does oppression, stigma and exposure to recent traumatic events increase vulnerability to addiction and compulsions? Most importantly, how can we offer a compassionate community response to people who are suffering? Teaching points are illustrated with a viewing of the film “Uprooting Addiction”, a PowerPoint presentation, and an open discussion.

The speaker will be Hope Payson, LCSW, LADC

For more information:  Terri Stockdreher  504 952 2966  terri@bravelivingcenter.com

Approved for 1.0 CE clock hours.  No NBCC credit available for this workshop.

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