Victory's 8th Annual Professional Weekend

6/10/2023 - 6/10/2023
10:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Location: In person, Sponsored by Victory Addiction Center; Lafayette Science Museum, 433 Jefferson St. Lafayette, LA 7050; Cost: $40.00; Approved for 4.5 CE hours in Diagnosis, Lafayette (a Live Ev

Victory Addiction Recovery Center's 8th Annual Professional Weekend will take place June 10th in Lafayette at the Lafayette Science Museum. $40 for 4.5 hours and lunch will be included. This year Trauma will be the focus with presentations from Erin Stevens LPC, clinical director of Integrated Behavioral Health in New Orleans and Jessica Moody LCSW, with Victory's family counseling program.

To register:

For more information:

Approved for 4.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credit available for the program

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