26 Ways to Protect your License

6/2/2023 - 6/2/2023
1:00 PM - 3:10 PM
Location: Live webinar; Sponsored by Telehealth Certification Institute; Cost: $59.00; approved for 2.0 CE clock hours, Webinar

Learn how to avoid lawsuits and licensing complaints by
utilizing engaged, ethics-based decision making. 

Most clinicians agree that their biggest concerns are lawsuits and complaints to their licensing boards. With so many practitioners moving to telehealth platforms, the chances of making mistakes that could result in such difficulties have increased. In this live webinar, participants will learn about some of the most common problems and complaints and how they can avoid these issues in their practices. Learn to use telehealth platforms as effectively as possible while maintaining appropriate professional boundaries with your clients. 


About the trainer: Ofer Zur, Ph.D., is the founder of the Zur institute. He is a licensed psychologist, instructor, forensic and ethics consultant, and expert witness. Dr. Zur has written extensively about ethics in mental health and is a specialist on this topic.


26 Ways to Protect Your License

Friday, June 2  |  1pm-3:10pm Eastern Daylight  

2 CEs Available 

Register for $59

For more information or to register: 


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