A Talk about Children and Substance Use

7/12/2023 - 7/12/2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: webinar; Sponsored by NAADAC; Cost: free for NAADAC Members, $15.00 for non-members; approved for 1.5 CE clock hours, Webinar

This presentation is targeted to help expand clinicians’ understanding on the significant changes in adolescent substance use post COVID-19 while learning key themes and topics critical to today’s adolescent substance use. Along in the presentation will also incorporate how adverse childhood experiences also increase the risk of substance use with this age group. 

For more information.  Also to register:  Angie King 985-789-8215 or angiek@beaconbh.com

Approved for 1.5 CE clock hours; no NBCC credits available for this program.

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