2-Day Intensive ACT Training: Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

7/17/2023 - 7/18/2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; Cost: Free; Approved for 12.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Webinar

How often do you review your appointment calendar and start wondering how you are going to, finally, help a regular client who seems to progress for a while and then regress?
Each time he/she arrives, you use the same tools and techniques you have used for so long and mostly successfully; but this one client is testing your skills. Now you can begin to integrate Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) into your practice and see improved outcomes.
Researched and developed by world-renowned researcher, speaker and author Steven Hayes, PhD, ACT is fast becoming the treatment approach that gets to the heart of therapeutic relationship.

For more information:  Customer Service     info@pesi.com       800-844-8260

To register:  www.pesi.com

Approved for 12.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis;  no NBCC credits available for this program.


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