Fentanyl Myths

7/27/2023 - 7/27/2023
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by Woman's Foundation; No cost; Approved for 1.0 general CE clock hours, Webinar

Ryan Marino, MD will be presenting “Fentanyl Myths” on July 27, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM.  This is a free virtual event.  Please visit www.womansfoundation.com/loas to register.     

Drug overdose deaths in Louisiana, and the nation, have skyrocketed over the last several years prompting the declaration of a Public Health Emergency. In almost every news report on the subject, Fentanyl is mentioned.  Fentanyl misinformation is pervasive in the media and culture.  The content of this event will educate attendees on the facts and fictions of fentanyl in an effort to reduce preventable harms and encourage better understanding as well as improve care, thus allowing for better communication with the public.

Approved for 1.0 CE clock hours; no NBCC credit available for this workshop.

Participants can visit www.womansfoundation.com/loas to register

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