Integrative Attachment Family Therapy

8/29/2023 - 8/29/2023
1:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; Cost: $49.99; Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Live Webinar

When attachment ruptures permeate a family, children are left feeling confused, hurt, and disconnected from their caregivers…feelings that are most disguised as oppositional behavior.

In turn, caregivers become frustrated and discouraged when their child-rearing approaches aren’t working to address what they think are behavior issues which leaves them both feeling more disconnected than ever. And the cycle continues.

This is where you step in.

Join Dafna Lender, therapist and internationally recognized attachment-based trauma expert, for this FREE 3-hour event that is overflowing with compelling insight and concrete strategies you can use right away to help families connect and repair.

For more information:  PESI, Inc.           800-844-8260  

Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC  credit available for this program.

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