EMDR & Parts Work for Treating Complex Trauma: Somatic Techniques to Decrease Defensiveness and Facilitate Trauma Processing

11/30/2023 - 11/30/2023
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; Cost: free; Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, Live Webinar

For years I got stuck with my complex trauma clients.

The traditional standalone approaches everyone recommended seemed to fail me as my clients unresolved conflicts kept sabotaging our efforts toward healing. Session after session I was met with defensiveness and resistance. It was exhausting and soon doubt and frustration started to creep in.

But one day the solution became clear -- complex trauma requires complex treatment -- not a
standalone therapy.

Now in this one-day webinar I'll show you how you can more successfully access deeply rooted
pain points and move clients past the internal conflicts that hang them up in treatment by
integrating elements of EMDR with skills from a parts work approach!

Join me for this unique, advanced level trauma treatment course, so you can:
 More safely gather your client’s trauma history
 Manage dissociation and fragmentation in clients using skills from parts work therapy
Create a safe healing environment using modified EMDR therapy protocols
Confidently use relational skills and somatic therapy for improved complex trauma

Making the change to an integrated EMDR and parts work approach turned my treatment
completely around. Since that day I've found tremendous success with my clients, authored
several books on complex trauma and trained thousands of clinicians.

Don't miss this chance to take your complex trauma treatment to the next level!

For more information:  Customer service         info@pesi.com                                     1-800-844-8260

Participants can register online, via phone, fax, or they may mail in the registration form.

Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours in Diangnosis; no NBCC credits available for this program.

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