Pregnancy and Infant Loss: Effective Strategies to Support Grief and Treat Trauma, Anxiety, and Depression in Bereaved Families

10/4/2023 - 10/4/2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by PESI; Cost:free; Approved for 6.25 in Diagnosis, Live webinar

There's a vast silence in our society around pregnancy and infant loss.

Most therapists and healthcare professionals are not even aware of the field of reproductive psychology, never mind trained in it. Yet all clients and patients have a reproductive story of some kind and that story often includes loss.

How would you take care of someone trying to decide if they have a right to their grief after a miscarriage?

How would you modify trauma treatment for a client with PTSD after a stillbirth who wants to become pregnant again?

How would you advise a couple whose relationship is crumbling as their infant is sent to palliative care in the NICU?

While it may be tempting to see these as rare events that you probably won't encounter in your practice, it's much more likely that your clients or patients already have or will experience a pregnancy or infant loss  though they may not be talking about it...

...That's why we've put together this focused 1-day training with reproductive psychology expert Dr. Julie Bindeman, who will teach you how to work effectively with pregnancy and infant loss  as well as modify clinical interventions for trauma, anxiety, and depression for grieving parents.

For more information:   Customer service                        1-800-844-8260

Participants can register online, via phone, fax, or they may mail in the registration form.

Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credit is available for this program.

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