AI Integration in Mental Health Practice: Empowering Therapists for Enhanced Client Care"

9/2/2023 - 9/2/2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Webinar; Sponsored by Kweli Counseling, Cost: $50.00: Approved for 2.0 in Ethics, Live webinar

"AI Integration in Mental Health Practice: Empowering Therapists for Enhanced Client Care" is a comprehensive training program designed to equip mental health professionals with the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate AI technologies in their practice while upholding ethical standards. In this training, therapists will explore the potential benefits and limitations of AI in therapy, understand the ethical considerations and guidelines for AI integration, and learn practical strategies for selecting, evaluating, and integrating AI tools into their clinical practice. The program emphasizes the importance of maintaining the human connection in therapy while leveraging the power of AI as a supportive tool. By the end of the training, therapists will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and ethical framework to harness the potential of AI in enhancing client care while ensuring client well-being, privacy, and informed consent.

For more information:

To register:   If questions about actual payment  5043720700

Approved for 2.0 CE clock hours in Ethics' no NBCC credits are available for this workshop

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