Working with Veterans

8/30/2023 - 8/30/2023
1:00 PM - 4:15 PM
Location: Capital Area Human Services, 7384 Florida Blvd #100A; Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours; no cost, In person

Unless you have been exposed to veterans and active duty military personnel, it may be difficult to understand and appreciate military culture and to tailor clinical practice to working with people who are in or have been in the military.  This training is intended to broaden understanding and respect for military culture, leading to better treatment planning and outcomes.

The presenter is John Nosacka, LCSW.  If you need additional information contact him @ john.nosacka@la,gov 

Contact to register

Approved for 3.0 CE clock hours; no NBCC credits available for this workshop.

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