40 Clinical Microskills

9/8/2023 - 9/8/2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location: Webinar, Sponsored by Healthy Blue of LA; Cost: free; approved for 1.5 CE clock hours., Live webinar

In addition to learning about anosognosia and the LEAP process, participants will be introduced to 40 clinical microskills, and will have the opportunity to engage in interactive discussion about how the microskills have been and could be used in supporting clients’ treatment goals. Discussion will engage participants in describing and sharing their own experiences with the microskills they have found useful, and learning about others in the process.

To register:


For more information:  Foley Nash    225 338-8619  foley.nash@healthybluela.com

Approved for 1.5 in Diagnosis; no NBCC credits available for this workshop.

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