Tackling Burnout: Ethical Practices and Techniques for Clients

9/30/2023 - 9/30/2023
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Webinar, Sponsored by Counseling and Recovery Guidance; Cost: $30.00; approved for 3.0 in Ethics, Live Webinar,

This workshop presented by Melissa Cavanaugh, LPC and Maddy Deshotels, PLPC will discuss the ethical conditions to work with clients experiencing burnout.

1. Define burnout, define stress, discuss the signs and symptoms of each and how they function differently
2. Discuss common causes of burnout: work life, personal/social life, personality traits/characteristics
3. Tips/exercises for asking for help and setting firm boundaries
4. Long-term effects of burnout physically and mentally
5. Clinician resources, worksheets, exercises, and info sheets available for download

For more information:  melissa@counrec.com


Approved for 3.0 in Ethics, no NBCC credits available for this program.

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