A Talk about Children and Substance Use

9/29/2023 - 9/29/2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: River Oaks Hospital Harahan; Sponsored by Beacon Behavioral; Cost: Free for members of NAADAC; $15 for non-members; approved for 1.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis, hybrid

Harm Reduction and Motivational Interviewing will take the lead in educating clinicians on substance use in the community along with in their practice. In the presentation you will learn about statistics of SA, barriers and challenges with this population, motivation interviewing techniques along with specific examples of harm reduction that you can utilize in your sessions and help educate family/caregivers to utilize in home environment. Narcan demonstration will also be provided by a peer support specialist. 

For more information:   Angie King 985-789-8215 or angiek@beaconbh.com

To register:  _ https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hybrid-event-narcan-training-harm-reduction-motivational-interviewing-tickets-695506979097?aff=ebdsshwebdesktop&utm-source=cp&utm-term=listing&utm-campaign=social&utm-medium=discovery&utm-content=attendeeshare

Approved for 1.5 CE clock hours in Diagnosis; no NBCC credit  available for this presentation.

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