The Hard-to-Engage Student: Strategies to Minimize Work Avoidance, Increase Connectedness, and Enhance Academic Success for Struggling Students

2/15/2024 - 2/15/2024
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Webinar, Sponsored by PESI; Presenter: Savanna Flakes, Ed.S.; Cost 299.99; Approved for 6.25 CE clock hours, Live webinar

The kindergartener who refuses to join the others at circle time. The fifth grader who has yet to complete an assignment. The freshman who leaves school daily after lunch.

As educators, our goal is to inspire and unlock each student’s passion for learning. But what happens when our best efforts are met with refusal or hostility?

Join Savanna Flakes, Ed. S, international educational consultant, for this unprecedented seminar that will equip you with proven interventions and strategies to engage the hardest-to-engage students.

For more information:   800 844-8260

To Register:

Approved for  6.25 CE clock hours; no NBCC credits available for this program

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